WAM signed a strategic cooperation agreement with WANHUA Chemical

2023-06-28 10:11:42

On June 19, 2023, the signing ceremony ofstrategic cooperation between WAM and WANHUA Chemical was held in WAMheadquarters. Leaders from both parties attended the ceremony. WAM leaders are ChairmanYang Yujing, General Manager Kang Yaolun, Purchasing Manager Zhu Yanyan andpurchaser Li Wen, WANHUA leaders are Dr. Ding Hao, who is General Manager of FunctionalChemicals Branch of WANHUA Chemical, Dr. Liu Zhaoxing, Manager of SpecialAmines and Intermediates Business Department of Functional Chemicals Branch,and Shi Hao, Wind Power Industry Manager of Special Amines and IntermediatesBusiness Department of Functional Chemicals Branch.

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At the signing site, the leaders of the twoparties conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the later cooperationand development, and reached a consensus on the establishment of a long-termand stable strategic partnership. Looking back on the past, after three yearsof development, the business of both parties has grown from scratch, from weakto strong, through ups and downs, which is hard to achieve without each other'ssupport and trust.

On the basis of the existing aminebusiness, Dr. Ding introduced the future product layout of functional chemicalsto WAM, clarifying and explaining the advantages of WANHUA's industrial chainintegration, meanwhile, WANHUA Chemical attaches great importance to greenenergy and has invested in many green energy projects, laying the foundationfor broader cooperation between the two sides in the future.

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Dr. Liu said that as a leading enterprisein the wind power industry, WAM attaches great importance to technologyresearch and development, which is in line with WANHUA's inner pursuit. It isbelieved that in the future, not only in the wind power industry, but also inother composite materials, the two sides will have more in-depth technicalexchanges and cooperation.

Yang Yujing, chairman of WAM, warmlywelcomed the visit of WANHUA Chemical Dr. Ding and other leaders and introducedthe R&D and product property breakthroughs of WAM in electric vehicles,hydrogen cylinders, and composite material recycling projects, etc. Mr. Yangsaid that WAM is willing to work hand in hand with WANHUA Chemical tocontinuously expand cooperation space and fields, hoping that both parties willtake this signing as an opportunity to strive to make greater contributions tothe green development of composite materials.

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Kang Yaolun, general manager of WAM, hopesthat the two parties will give full play to their complementary advantages to continuestrengthening upstream and downstream collaborative innovation, establishing along-term technical cooperation mechanism for new products and newapplications, which will carry out comprehensive cooperation in the field ofnew energy, providing systematic solutions for green and sustainabledevelopment, jointly building a green, low-carbon and better life for mankind,and writing a new chapter of strategic cooperation.

Through this signing ceremony, the level ofcooperation between the two parties has been further deepened, which will bringtrue creating for win-win situation and both parties will join hands in thefuture!

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